Gift the right mattress to your daughter this Daughter's day

September 12, 2019

It's a saying that a girl child brings luck to the family. Various names, like lady luck, girl charm, etc. are associated with girls, but do you know where she gets her luck/strength from? Her parents, and especially the father.

To fathers, their daughters are the most precious in the world. Not to be biased or anything, but fathers are more protective of their daughters than their sons. No matter what the situation is, fathers always try to protect and comfort their daughters in every situation. But, the only problem is that they generally don’t show it, mostly because they want their daughters to be independent and strong in their life.

But once in a while, fathers also need to show their love and affection towards their daughters just as mothers show their love without any hesitation to their daughters. This expression of affection makes the bond between father and daughter even stronger.

For you, we can help you take the first steps towards expressing your affection and love towards your daughters. You can start with this “Daughter’s Day”!

Gift her something that will be useful to her in the long term and also makes her feel comfortable like you do. Thinking about what can be similar to the comfort you provide her? Don't worry, we have your back.

Apart from all the protection you give her, Gift her Comfort.

Gift her a Durfi Mattress!

Now, you must be wondering why a mattress as a gift and not any clothing item? Gift for daughters are tricky, that’s why Buying a Mattress can make a perfect gift for her. Consider these following reasons:

You get to show her the support

What is the best way to show the support other than actually providing one? The sentence can be a metaphorical one, but the support is real with Durfi.

Since Durfi Mattress provides support regardless of the weight and structure of the body, now all mothers can keep on showering their daughters with lots of love and food. Let your support be there with her always, during the day as well as night.

Of course, Durfi’s support cannot match with the comfort you provide her, but we tried to make our mattresses similar to the cozy and safe feeling while being with you.

Long term comfort

Imagine this for a minute, your gift will comfort her in the longer run. How lovely this sounds.

Durfi’s comfort lasts for a decade. You can give her a gift that will take care of her comfort and support in the night while she snoozes off in her dreamland peacefully.


Nothing can be bigger than the Gift of Health, and with Durfi, you can gift your daughter the protection against several potential illnesses.

Sleep irregularities and sleep deprivation can cause severe illnesses in the long term, and sometimes the reason is really minute, an uncomfortable mattress.

An uncomfortable mattress can induce Back Pain and joint pain when used on a regular basis. You must be aware of how a proper body posture is essential to keep the lower back and the whole of the spine functioning properly, and you may be taking care of it during the day. But, in the night, it slips from the mind and hence let Durfi take care of it.

All the comfort and support provided by Durfi is a healthier choice to sleep in the long term.

So, let your affection be out there to be seen by her in the most protective and comfortable way. The best way to make your daughters feel special this Daughters Day is to let them know how special they are to you.

Gift her all the love and support in the form of comfort.

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