How Many Hours Of Sleep Do Seniors Need?

November 18, 2023

Elderly individuals commonly experience interrupted and unpredictable sleeping patterns. They may nod off multiple times during the day, stay awake for extended periods at night, or wake up early in the morning. Their sleep-wake cycle is inconsistent and fluctuates due to various factors such as physical and emotional well-being, and the quality of their bed and mattress, among other factors. Individual differences, health conditions, and personal requirements also play a significant role in determining their sleeping patterns.

When discussing the sleep routines and needs of older people, a common question arises: How many hours of sleep do they require? Is it comparable to someone in their 30s or 40s, or does it differ?

To address this question, we have compiled comprehensive information covering essential aspects, including necessary sleep duration, factors that disrupt sleep, and practical tips to enhance sleep quality. Whether you are a senior yourself or providing care for a loved one, this guide aims to provide valuable insights and actionable advice.

Required shut-eye in old age

The amount of slumber required by an aged person varies according to the individual. Every person's physique, habits, and health are unique, and all of these things have a significant impact on sleeping habits. So, it is not accurate to suggest that every senior requires the same number of hours of slumber.

While there is no specific number of hours that defines the appropriate amount of shut eyes for seniors, research and expert opinions provide some useful insight:

The General Guideline: In general, an adult human being needs 7-8 hours of decent rest per night, and older individuals are no exception. Older individuals, defined as those aged 60 and over, require 7 to 8 hours of shut-eye per night to maintain their physical and mental health. This quantity of slumber allows their bodies to recover and rejuvenate, while also improving cognitive performance and mood control.

Individual Need and Preference: It's important to keep in mind that individual preferences are important, and some older adults may feel well-rested sleeping slightly more or slightly less than the recommended 7-8 hours. The key is to pay attention to the body's signals and ensure they are getting enough rest to feel refreshed and alert.

  • Evolving Sleeping Patterns: Sleeping patterns in older people can be quite different from those of younger individuals due to various factors, including natural biological changes, health conditions, and lifestyle choices.
  • Fragile Slumber: Older people may have more fragile slumber, due to discomfort, joint and back pain, urge to go to the bathroom, etc, which means they are more likely to wake up during the night.
  • Early Bedtimes and Wake Times: Many older adults prefer going to bed earlier and waking up earlier in the morning compared to younger individuals.
  • Daytime Napping: Short daytime naps are common among older people and are often considered a normal part of their routine. But, taking longer naps during the day can disrupt night-time slumber.
  • Reduced Deep Slumber: Older adults typically spend less time in the deeper stages of sleep, such as slow-wave or deep REM (rapid eye movement). These stages of slumber are crucial for physical restoration and may decrease with age.

Related Article:  How Seniors Can Sleep Better

Factors that Influence older people’s sleep

Here are some factors, both internal (biological) and external (environmental and lifestyle), that can affect the elderly’s sleep.

Changes in sleep structure: People in their senior years are more prone to alterations in their sleep structure, which means they fall asleep faster and more quickly than others. They doze off multiple times during the day which decreases their deep slumber (slow-wave and REM).

Health Conditions: Older people often have trouble sleeping due to various chronic health problems, like arthritis, heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, and chronic pain. Apart from these chronic issues, they also suffer from various minor and everyday changing health issues that can also disrupt their night’s rest, causing them to wake up frequently. All of these issues combined can lead to fragmented and disturbed slumber.

Medications: Elders' sleeping habits can also be greatly influenced by medications and treatments. Many medicines that are regularly taken to treat various health concerns may have side effects that can include sleepiness, insomnia, or sleep-wake cycle disruptions.

Sleep Disorders: These disorders can affect people of any age, but the results may be more severe in the elderly since they are physically less fit and more prone to health problems. Some of these disorders are Sleep apnea (repeated pauses in breathing), insomnia (difficulties falling and staying asleep), restless leg syndrome (irresistible urge to move the legs), and periodic limb movement disorder (cramping or jerking of the legs).

Lifestyle Choices: The way older people live, specifically their nutrition, exercise, and daily routines, has a significant impact on their sleep quality. Living an active life, engaging with others, and remaining joyful not only enhances their mental and physical health but also improves their slumber quality. In addition, their nutrition, exercise, and adherence to a healthy routine aid in the regulation of the body's internal clock. Sedentism and excessive evening screen time, on the other hand, can impair their sleeping habits. Seniors can attain a more peaceful and enhanced quality of slumber by recognizing these concerns and making mindful changes.

Stress and Anxiety: In later years of life, an individual goes through many changes such as retirement, the loss of loved ones, or health concerns can lead to increased stress and anxiety, which can cause stress and anxiety. Often older people spend many hours alone and lack people to talk or engage with, especially in cities. This also causes feelings of loneliness, and isolation leading to stress, anxiety and even depression and poor sleeping habits.

Environmental Factors: Older people typically suffer from a variety of sleep-related issues, which can be exacerbated by external factors such as noise, light, and an unpleasant environment. As a result, it is critical to establish a peaceful environment for older people so that they can rest more easily. Reduce noise, have a tranquil, dimly lit, and comfortable bedroom, and most importantly, buy mattress for senior citizens that suits them. A terrible mattress can cause a variety of sleeping issues, including back pain, discomfort, and sleepless nights.

Inactivity: Due to health issues, age and other problems many seniors don’t participate in many activities. Their days are spent sitting, lying or doing minimum activities and physical activities, which affect their health and sleep quality.

Diet and Eating Habits: Diet and eating habits also significantly impact slumber. Consuming heavy, spicy meals close to bedtime can lead to discomfort and indigestion, while excessive caffeine intake disrupts naps. Alcohol, sugary foods, and late-night hydration can also have a negative effect. On the positive side, a well-balanced diet with nutrient-rich foods and maintaining a regular eating schedule helps regulate the body's internal clock, enhancing the sleep-wake cycle.

Alcohol and Caffeine: Both alcohol and caffeine have an obvious effect on the sleep cycle; both have components that can raise a person's heart rate and make them feel more alert and energized. When one of these is consumed close to bedtime, sleep quality suffers. This impacts all people, not just the elderly. However, its effects depend on several key factors, including immunity and when and how much it is consumed. Older individuals need to monitor their consumption, especially in the hours leading up to bedtime.

What can help older people sleep better?

Knowing all of these problems and influential factors, the next question that comes to mind is how seniors can sleep better. By adapting these tips:

  • Consistency is key; maintaining a regular sleeping schedule, even on weekends, helps regulate the body's internal clock.
  • Creating an ideal relaxing environment is also essential. Make their bedroom a sleep-inducing place by adjusting lighting and temperature and controlling noise.
  • Invest in a supportive mattress and pillows to enhance comfort and support.
  • While short daytime naps can be refreshing, excessive napping can interfere with nocturnal slumber, so encourage them to keep their naps brief.
  • Regular physical activity, even simple exercises like walking or stretching, can help. However, it is critical to be cautious of how much and when to exercise, as severe exercise near bedtime could be harmful to your slumber.
  • Diet plays a role too; it's best to avoid heavy meals, caffeine, and alcohol near bedtime.
  • Manage stress through relaxation techniques to reduce anxiety, a common sleep disruptor.
  • Limit screen time before bed and establish a calming bedtime routine with activities like reading or a warm bath can signal to the body that it's time to wind down.
  • Consult healthcare professionals for chronic conditions.

The Role of a Supportive Mattress

A supportive quality mattress is an important part of getting a good night's sleep for seniors. This is why they require a mattress that delivers a good combination of comfort and support without being too soft or too firm. And one of the best mattress options is orthopedic mattresses. Orthopedic Mattresses are carefully developed to provide support and relieve pressure on joints and muscles, and they can significantly improve sleep. It increases general well-being by promoting good spinal alignment, reducing tossing and turning, minimizing nightly awakenings and reducing tossing and turning. A comfortable and long-lasting mattress with appropriate bed accessories is an excellent investment for people with sleep problems.


While the recommended amount of slumber for seniors typically falls within the 7–8-hour range, it's important to recognize that it’s not a hard and fast rule. Every individual according to their preference and requirement may need less or more hours to rest. That is why it is important to recognize their preference and needs and help them to overcome sleep-related problems. So, our parents and grandparents can get the required rest without any struggle.

We can assist our parents and grandparents in living better lives in their golden years by encouraging them to live a healthy lifestyle, taking care of their health (mental, emotional, and physical), and purchasing comfortable and supporting bed mattresses for them, such as orthopedic mattresses. So, buy mattress online for older people to make their lives a bit easier and comfortable.

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