How To Fall Asleep Even In A Stressful Situation - Durfi Retail Pvt. Ltd.

How To Fall Asleep Even In A Stressful Situation

Another restless night spent in stress as you stare at the ceiling? Tension and stress can keep you from getting the sleep you need. You try and try to fall asleep, but your mind just won't stop racing. You become more and more anxious, trying to slow your breathing and relax your muscles. But nothing happens, and you give up on the idea of sleep and lay awake in bed, listening to the clock tick and the dog snore.

After a stressful day, all that a person wants is a relaxed sleep, but what if you are so tired that you know you will just lie awake for hours. Most of the time, stress keeps us awake because our body releases too much adrenaline, a hormone that helps us deal with stressful situations. At times, it is harder for our body to slow down when we have got a lot of adrenaline in our system.

According to NIH, during times of stress and anxiety, some relaxation techniques can produce the natural relaxation response in the body to feel calm. In this article, we will discuss some of the steps to relieve nighttime stresses.

Tips To Fall Asleep in a Stressful Situation

Getting enough sleep is a crucial part of a healthy lifestyle, but when you are stressed, it is hard to fall asleep. When you are tired, stressful situations can be even more difficult to handle. Luckily, there are a few strategies to help you fall asleep even when you are in a stressful situation.

Progressive Muscle Relaxation

Progressive muscle relaxation is a simple technique that can help you relieve physical tension and prepare your body for restful sleep. It involves tensing and then relaxing each muscle group in your body, starting from the top of the head and working your way down to the toes. This method is designed to release muscle tension that builds up during the day, which can lead to physical symptoms such as headaches, back pain, and poor sleep.


You might have heard that a problem shared is a problem halved. This is true in many cases. But, there are some problems that you have to deal with on your own, and journaling about them can be an excellent way of doing this.

If you are awake in the midst of the night because of stress, then journaling may be an efficient technique for you. Journaling carries a lot of stress management benefits. It can help you to process strong emotions and brainstorm, clear your mind, and construct a plan to manage the situation that is causing you stress.

Count Sheep

It might sound a little silly, but counting sheep works to fight insomnia. Scientists have found that the act of counting can serve as a distraction that prevents you from focusing on the source of your anxiety. As you count, you can gradually let go of whatever is keeping you up. Start by finding a comfortable position in bed, then close your eyes and count out loud to a number between 20 and 100. It's best if you visualize the number you're saying in your head, so if you're counting to 30, imagine a set of 30 sheep in a field. Then, take your focus off the sheep and count to the next number in your head. Repeat this process until you are able to feel calmer and fall asleep.

Bonus Tip: Get a Cozy Mattress

A good night's sleep is a must if you want to be at your best during the day. And, a Good Quality Mattress helps you get a peaceful sleep. Also, it goes a long way in preventing future health issues like back pain, neck pain, chronic issues, and many more. Durfi manufactures the best quality mattress for a comfortable and relaxed sleep. The mattress has hypo-allergenic, antibacterial, and breathable fabrics. The unique foam used in the mattress boosts air circulation, providing a night of calm and composed sleep.

Final Words

There are a lot of stressors and factors that may keep a person awake at night. However, consistent practice of the above-given relaxing techniques can help in the long-term. Just keep in mind that there is no specific schedule for how quickly a person can feel less stressed before falling asleep.

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