How To Disinfect Your Mattress - Durfi Retail Pvt. Ltd.

How To Disinfect Your Mattress

Since we spend one-third of our life on our bed and mattress, it is really important that we keep it clean and fresh. Disinfecting the mattress not only enhances sleep quality but also lowers the chances of any infectious attack.

During this time of Coronavirus outbreak, everyone has pledged to keep themselves sanitized and following many preventive measures. But what about the regular home cleanliness? Are we aware of infectious pathogens in the mattress? Yes, you heard it right, mattresses do end up containing infectious microorganisms over a period of time. So, it is very important to sanitize your mattress as well.

Here are some tips that can help you disinfect the mattress while you utilize your time during this quarantine period.

Steam Cleaning

Dust mites cannot be seen by naked eyes but can cause itchiness on your skin and eyes. So to combat mattress dust mites along with other enemies, you can use heat. The heat attacking these dust mites can be the most helpful sanitizing methods for mattresses.

For this, you may need someone to help with moving, rotating and lifting the mattress while you do the cleaning.

First, remove the dust particles and dander with a vacuum cleaner. Make sure that you get into every corner and cranny of the mattress sides and top. After that, use a hand-held steamer and run the steamer across the mattress surface so that every part of the mattress gets the steam. Do not use the steamer constantly on one part of the mattress as this will result in soaking of the mattress.

Once you evenly spread the steam on the mattress, let it dry completely before sleeping.

Antibacterial Spray

Antibacterial sprays are specially designed to prevent and remove harmful bacteria. Always go for the sprays that do not contain bleach, as this can ruin the mattress fibres and covering. Follow the instructions given on the spray and spray the solution evenly across the mattress surfaces including the top, bottom and sides. After that, dip a clean cloth into warm water and wipe down all the mattress surfaces.

Let the mattress dry for some hours and your sanitized mattress is ready to use.

Ultraviolet Rays

People who are dealing with intense allergies need deep sanitizing. And for this, you need commercial-grade equipment and machines to destroy specific allergens. Apart from the above two methods, you can use ultraviolet light to attack such harmful microorganisms. The UV radiation breaks the DNA of bacteria and stops the production of germs.

Once it is cleaned and fresh, follow all the preventive measures to make the Mattress as much Clean as possible. Always rotate the mattress frequently. Change your bed sheet and pillow every two days.

Common Vodka

Interesting? Vodka is a very good disinfectant for mattresses. You don’t need to spend bucks on buying expensive vodka as all of them work the same when used for disinfecting. Thoroughly clean off the dust mites and particles with the help of a vacuum cleaner. Then, simply spray the Vodka on all the surfaces of the mattress and let it dry for a few hours.


The common allergens, pet dander, dust mites, pollen, and mold can act as irritants for sensitive eyes, noses and skin causing many health issues. This is why it is important for you to sanitize and disinfect the mattress and have a comfortable and healthy sleep.

Beyond this cleaning process and removing stains, it is also important to invest in a Hypoallergenic Mattress that protects you against allergens and provides a healthy sleep.

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